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Preparing mentally for Ramadhan


Are you mentally prepared?

For us seasoned "fasters" (is this even a word?) Ramadhan comes at us in a big way and even having years and years of experience, more often than not, we do still have an adjustment period before it sinks in.

I'm talking about acts you shouldn't do, things you shouldn't say and time you shouldn't be wasting. We often assume we will meet the next Ramadhan and that after. But whether we do is entirely not up to us.

Fasting is more than just about no food and no drinks. It's a transformation of who you are and how you can achieve better things. Before you go around opening your mouth with words that can offend others because of what you are experiencing, think twice or maybe even thrice.

Get yourself mentally prepared before Ramadhan starts. It doesn't matter if people around you are ready. Are you?


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