As you prepare to break your fast with your family, you see everyone bringing back foods to share. When you actually break your fast, you come to realise within 15 mins, you are already full and so is everyone else.
What happens to extra food on the table?
● You try to finish them all
● You keep it for sahur
In the month of self-restraint and self-reflection, you need to consider not only what happens within the heart and soul but also what goes into your body.
✔ You should look to pay attention to what you eat
- Are you eating good foods to keep your mind and body
ready for night prayers and foods that clean your gut?
✔ This does not mean you cannot enjoy the delicious foods you
want to eat.
- Importantly, are you overeating? Having a full stomach
makes you feel heavy and induces sleep. You will definitely
not have a fulfilling terawih prayers or night prayers.
In order to take full advantage of the month of Ramadhan, we will need to prepare ourselves not only mentally but also physically.