Ramadhan Daily Tips
How to break your fast easily outside?
With places limited, you might not be able to get a seat to break your fast. One great habit you could consider is to carry around small packets of dates.
Why you should not skip sahur
As much as we feel can do so and skip the pre-dawn meal. It is actually not to your benefit. You will feel even more lethargic and not able to function as you would like to.
Why should we eat fruits during Ramadhan
Dates as we know it are filled with nutritious content. How about providing a platter of fruits for you and your guests.
How to stay hydrated throughout Ramadhan
Feeling de-hydrated throughout the day?
As much as we ensure a wholesome meal pre-dawn with sufficient carbohydrates and nutrients. We at times do neglect not hydrating ourselves sufficiently.
Best way to exercise during Ramadhan
Exercising in general helps you de-stress and also improves your well-being. However with 13 hours with no possible replenishment is it a bad idea to exercise?